The set consists of 4 positive, and 4 negative rear diopters that slightly alter the focus characteristics.
This gives you the ability to have 3 distinct styles across one set of lenses, all while maintaining the mechanical and electronic advantages of the signature lens line.
Magnetic Attachment
The filters click onto the rear magnetic stage, making swap overs quick and simple. Positive diopters can be swapped without need for adjustments. The negative filter set requires the lens to be shimmed by our lens technicians, to maintain infinity focus.
The following images, courtesy of ARRI, showcase some of the characteristics that impression filters can impart on your imagery.
The most apparent effects of the filters can be seen in the out of focus regions of the images. The positive filters add softness to background bokeh, swirling to the edges, and an overall diffused quality to the image. This more glamorous look adds a feeling of warmth drawing attention to the subject. In contrast the negatives filters increase the perceived sharpness of the bokeh, creating overlapping textures and adding grit to backgrounds. There is also a subtle detail reduction, softening skin and other fine elements while still maintaining sharpness.
With 4 differing strengths of each diopter available, your chosen look can be fine tuned according to circumstance and focal length choice.
When using the Impression V Filters with Signature Primes and Zooms, some basic parameters of the lens system will change. This is because the filters act like a ‘weak extender’.
The focal length of the base lens as well as the size of the projected image and the aperture will change. The factors are given in the following table.
The ARRI Impression Filters will work with no adjustments needed inside the Alexa 35, Alexa Mini LF, and the Alexa 65.
A Signature lens with an attached Impression V Filter can only be mounted to an Alexa Mini or Amira if the camera has been converted for use with Leica M-Mount lenses. For further information regarding the conversion, please inform us of your camera preference prior to rental.
For use with an Alexa LF, Classic, XT, or SXT it is important to verify whether the filter position in the LPL lens mount is occupied by the LF IFM Filter Frame. A Signature lens with an attached Impression V Filter can only be mounted to the camera if the filter frame is removed.
For further information about the Impression V filter system please explore the official ARRI testing pages, and manual.
For questions about renting a set for your next production, please contact us through the above links on the site!